Friday, January 19, 2007

BMC & Yoga: Body Systems - Workshops with Amy Matthews

As you all know, I am a very big fan of the teaching of Amy Matthews, and I'm thrilled to recommend these upcoming workshops at The Breathing Project.

If you've studied with Amy, you know what an extraordinary teacher she is. If you haven't, what are you waiting for?

embodied asana presents:
BMC & Yoga: Body Systems
Saturdays: February 3: Organs
April 7: Nervous System
May 5: Ligaments
June 2: Fluids

These one-day workshops explore the ways that Body-Mind Centering® supports the practice of yoga . . . as well as the ways that asana practice supports the embodiment of BMC™ principles.

Each day will focus on one body system: the morning session will be an asana practice, and the afternoon will include anatomy, individual exploration, and discussion.

All levels of movement experience are welcome, and no yoga or BMC™ experience is necessary.

The Breathing Project: 15 W 26 St, 10th Fl (b/t B’way & 6th Ave), NYC
11 am – 5 pm: 11 am-1 asana practice & 2-5 pm workshop
$75 day: email to register
morning session can be taken separately, for $30

Amy Matthews, CMA, SME, RYT, RSMT/RSME has been teaching movement since 1994. She is a Certified Laban Movement Analyst and a Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner. Amy is certified as a yoga teacher by Heart of Yoga and Yoga Union, is registered with ISMETA and Yoga Alliance, and is certified as a Motherhand Shiatsu practitioner.

Amy has been on the faculty of the Year-Long Certificate Program at the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies since 2000, and teaches embodied asana classes and workshops at Movements Afoot, as part of the Advanced Studies Program at the Breathing Project, and at the Society for Martial Arts Instruction. Amy works privately as a movement therapist, integrating Laban Movement Analysis, Bartenieff Fundamentals, yoga and Body Mind Centering®. She teaches anatomy workshops for LIMS, co-teaches “Still Moving” karate and yoga workshops with Sensei Michelle Gay for the Society for Martial Arts Instruction, and has co-taught with Alison West on Yoga Union's Teacher Training program.

Questions? Call 917-843-9537, or e-mail

Yoga Anatomy Homwwork for Jan. 17, 2007

Hi All.

Greetings from sunny Los Angeles (well, it's still dark outside, but it will be sunny in a few hours).

Here's your assignment based on this week's session:

Please BRIEFLY (just a few sentences each) define:
Forward bending
Backward bending
Spinal flexion
Spinal extention
Also, give at least three examples of how we can observe the qualities of sthiram/sukham in the structure/function of the spine.

I look forward to next week's lesson, when we will explore the degreees of range of motion of the various section of the spine in flexion and extention.

Have a great weekend.


Monday, January 15, 2007

Yoga Anatomy Homwwork for Jan. 10, 2007

Hi All.

My apologies for the delay. It took me a while to do a full update of all the new e-mail addresses for this trimester.

Here's your simple task for this week.

Based on our exploration of the evolution of the spine, please **briefly** explain the following:

* the primary curves of the spine

* the secondary curves of the spine

Please try to relate your answers to the principle of sthiram/sukham.

I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday, when we'll talk about the curves of the spine, the basic movements of flexion/extention, and how they relate to inhale/exhale.

As a bonus, here's a link to my article" The Evolution of the Spine."
