This is a private blog, just for current and former students of The Breathing Project's Advanced Studies Program.
Each week's homework assignment will be posted here, as well as the upcoming topic for next week.
E-mail notification will be sent to this private list every time a post is made.
Let me know what you think by using the comment feature.
If you have any information, links, ideas or articles you'd like to share, please post them as comments. This space is for you to use to dialogue and share.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Homework for October 25, 2006

Hi All.
This is the first official homework assignment for the Fall 2006 trimester of our advanced studies course. These messages also go out to all the graduates and former students of the previous three terms of the course, as well as all the Breathing Project teachers. If anyone reading this wishes to be removed from this distribution, just let me know, and I'll take you off the list.
For all A.S.P. graduates, please remember that you are welcome to drop in (for free) on any of my Wednesday classes between now and the end of June. This includes the Yoga Anatomy from 2-4PM, and my ABC sessions from 4:15 to 6:15PM. You are also welcome to attend my Wednesday evening open class, from 6:30-8:00PM (that's not free, but it's worth it).
First, some administrative business:
1. Please send your homework as text within the body of a reply email - NOT AS AN ATTACHED DOCUMENT.
2. Using a "REPLY" e-mail insures that the original subject header (eg: re: Anatomy Homework for October 25, 2006) appears in your subject line. This is how I sort your message into the proper folder. Without that header, your assignment will definitely get lost among the approximately 300 e-mails I receive every day.
3. Make sure to delete everything form your reply except your answer (including the question). This saves me a lot of time and trouble when I prepare to print out and review your homework (so, if you follow this guideline, I will not see this guideline in your reply).
4. If you have a question related to the homework, please include that in your reply, but any other messages, links, or information not directly related to your homework should be sent to me in a separate message, with a relevant subject header.
5. Make sure I receive your homework no later than midnight of the Tuesday preceding class. Assignments submitted later than that will not make it into my review.
OK. Now that that's out of the way, here's your simple task for this week.
Please briefly describe, as if explaining to a group of beginning students, the three dimensions of breath movement in the thoracic cavity. Use any relevant images or hand placements that work for you.
(Since the phrase; "Please Briefly Describe, As If Explaining To A Group Of Beginning Students" will frequently be used in these assignments, it will henceforth be abbreviated as: GOBS, which is a shortened version of PBDAIETAGOBS).
I look forward to seeing you next week, when we will learn about the location, relations, origin, and insertion of the principal muscle of abdomino-thoracic shape change - the diaphragm.
Have a great weekend.
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