Thursday, December 06, 2007

FREE Class and Demo of Korean Yoga at The Breathing Project

Recently, I was contacted by a group of Korean yogis who wanted myhelp in getting their book and videos released in the USA. Apparently, their "Cosmic Revivification Yoga" is widely practiced and medically endorsed in South Korea. As a way of helping them get the word out, I've invited them to present a FREE open class at The Breathing Project. Please let as many people as you can know about this. I'd like to fill the room for them.

Date: Tuesday, December 18
Time: 6:30 - 8:30PM
Location: The Breathing Project
15 West 26th Street, 10th floor
(Between Broadway and 6th Ave.)
New York City
Cost: FREE
RSVP via e-mail

Free Private Sessions from Vajra Yoga

Jill Satterfield asked me to send this to you all. Please forward to anyone who may be interested.

hi guys,

the vajra yoga teacher trainees are looking for people to teach on saturday december 15th: at 12-1, or 2-3.

you would be given a supervised private session by one of the trainees. free! if you're interested, or know someone that might be, please let me know.

the more physical issues the better!!

anyone interested just needs to email me with their current state of physical conditions..., phone number and time (12-1, or 2-3)

thanks very much!


vajra yoga (& meditation)

Anatomy Homework for December 5, 2007

Here's this week's question:

If a student asked you, "What's Mula Bandha," how would you answer in 100 words or less?
Also, check out the above video - a virtual guide tour of the pelvic floor.

I look forward to seeing you next week, when we will explore the vocal diaphragm. In the meantime, check out these videos:
Intro to the Vocal Folds
Theo Bleckmann and his Larynx

Have a great weekend!