Monday, November 19, 2007

Anatomy Homework for November 14, 2007

Last Wednesday, we critiqued some breathing animation produced by Ray Long for his Bandha Yoga website. Bottom line: great graphics, confused ideas.

This week, we'll have something to say about Swami Ramdev's take on Bhastrika Pranayama. He reaches millions of people, and they view him as an unquestioned authority on yoga and breathing, but sadly, his information is less than helpful.

This week's homework:
Based on our lessons so far, how would you briefly explain the following? Try to imagine you're responding to a question from a student who's heard these terms and is a bit confused by them. Try to keep your explanations brief, as if you have to sneak them in while teaching a class.

Diaphragmatic breathing
Correct breathing
Accessory breathing
Chest breathing
Belly breathing