Hi All.
Your homework for this week is to come up with any questions or topics you want me to cover next Wednesday, which will be a review session.
I was hoping to bring Adreinne Jamiel in to do something, but we had a scheduling conflict. We'll bring her in next year for something special during the Winter or Spring trimesters.
Here are the wonderful haikus that were sent in last week:
lift the pelvic floor
soften sphincter but keep the lift
say mula banhda
exhale round the spine
lift shape change without unhaling
say uddiyana
drop the chin to chest
lift front throat to back throat no breath
say jalandara
Ujjayi support
deep cavities as you bend
pressure for the spine
Alicia Ohs
from the ground up
mula roots, uddiyana lifts
steady and energetic
sustainable and focused
ujayyi stabilizes the core
warming our pliable structure
Eileen O'Sullivan
Inner energy
supporting. Stabilizing
bandhas: one, two, three.
Internal pressure,
Subtle hissing, larynx braced,
Stabilize the spine.
Jaymie Meyer
Mula uddiya
Stability from your root
Creates space above
Breath like a whisper
Helps the rib cage stabilize
To protect the back
Lauren Ohayon
energy grounding
I glance down and fly through space
open and stable
sounds like the ocean
a valve to monitor breath
gives my spine support
Leah Thomas
Pulling up the root
to fly is so much trouble--
better to crawl along.
Holding back the breath
like slow drinking when thirsty--
I prefer to gulp.
Tim Regan
Stable root below
gives support to upward flight...
...mula - uddiya.
Leslie Kaminoff
Draw base up and in
Feel inward strength give ribs lift
Let chin and chest meet
Streaming the breath brings
Longer inhale and exhale
Supporting the spine
Weena Pauly