Friday, November 03, 2006

Homework for Nov. 1, 2006

Hi All.

First, I'd like you to click on the link for my article in the posting below.
After reading the article, please briefly explain the following, *GOBS*
The location of the diaphragm in the body
The relations of the diaphragm
The origin and insertion of the diaphragm
The action of the diaphragm

Don't worry bout getting it perfect at this point - we'll have another few passes at this before we're through. This is just for me to see how much you've absorbed so far.

I look forward to seeing you next week, when we'll begin discussing the accessory muscles.

Also, we are actively searching for a replacement for Jen Harris. The job description is attached below. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact us ASAP.

Have a great weekend.



The Breathing Project's Yoga Studio seeks part-time administrative help.

12 hours a week/ $200 dollars (possible commissions in the future)

Position involves:

Updating website and managing weekly newsletter; designing and updating flyers and other marketing materials; answering phones and taking messages; selling memberships, class cards and workshops; interacting with yoga students, teachers and visiting presenters; pursuing workshop presenters in line with the studio's philosophy and focus; tracking income and running reports on Quickbooks; writing bios and descriptive text for classes; assisting owner and staff as needed.

Skills needed: Familiarity with Macromedia Contribute, Photoshop, Illustrator, Quickbooks and HTML. Familiarity with basics of yoga postures and philosophy Excellent communication and people skills a must. Excellent writing and editing skills. Able to work independently. Business background a plus, but not required.

Perks: Free yoga classes, free attendance at yoga workshops, able to work at home for part of the weekly hours, fun, informal work atmosphere, possible discounts on Advanced Studies Programs.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Link to New IAYT Journal article by Leslie Kaminoff

This is an article I'm particularly fond of. It's title is: "What Yoga Therapists Should Know About Breath Anatomy." It has just come out in IAYT's annual International Journal of Yoga Therapy.

It sums up very nicely most of the key concepts I teach in the Fall trimester of my Yoga Anatomy course. Please feel free to follow this link to the online and PDF versions. You may print out a single copy for your own use. Also, please use the comments feature of this blog to post any questions or reflections you may have.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Seeking Volunteers for Fundraising Event on November 16th

If you are interested in volunteering for our big benefit event on Thursday November 16th, please contact The Breathing Project's Director of development, Carolyn Arnold.

We are especially in need of people who can be available starting at noon on the day of the event, and others who can stay late, to help clean up afterwards. The event starts at 6:00PM, and will end at about 10:30PM. Aside from the time commitment on 11/16, there will be a planning meeting that will take place earlier that week, day and time to be announced shortly.

Although we can't afford to give volunteers totally free admission, there are significant discounts available. Carolyn will be happy to discuss the arrangements with you.

I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
