Friday, February 09, 2007

Please sign up for the new Breathing Project blog-based mailing list

Click here to go to our new Breathing Project blog, and enter your address to get weekly updates about all our programs. Be sure to let all your friends and colleagues know about it, too.

Aside from studio, class and workshop updates, we will be featuring periodic contributions from our gifted roster of senior teachers.

Anatomy Homework for February 7, 2007

Hi All.

This week, your homework is to do some reading that will help us to prepare for next week's lesson, when we will look at the structure of individual vertebrae and the intervertebral discs. Here's a useful link:

Learning about the discs inevitably leads to a discussion of back pain, its true causes, and the mind-body connection - so I've created this page on my website:

It contains the text and links to a Medscape interview with John Sarno and two of the studies he mentions in the interview. They are all well worth reading. Following the links may require you to register for Medscape, The New England Journal of Medicine or The New York TImes, so that's why I included the text.

Also, here's a link to the corrected spinal twist drawing: