Saturday, November 11, 2006

Yoga Anatomy Homework for November 8, 2006

Hi All.

In our usual G.O.B.S. format, please BRIEFLY describe the following breath patterns in terms of diaphragmatic and accessory action:

"Belly Breath"

"Chest Breath"

and for extra credit:


Key words to use would be diaphragm, intercostals, abdominals, stabilize, mobilize, support, release, contract, relax.

I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday, when we will practice "seesaw breathing," explore more principles of Brahmana/Langhana and get more specific about the names of the accessory muscles.

Have a great weekend.



David Hykes website:

Referenced book:
"Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self" by Allan N. Schore