Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Anatomy Homework for February 14, 2007

For the benefit of those of you who weren't in attendance today, I've uploaded the audio of today's lesson, and the handout that goes with it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The handout is a section of the "Yoga and the Spine" chapter of my book. Other than reading the handout, there is no other assignment this week -but please feel free to send in any questions or comments you come up with.

Next week, Amy Matthews will be teaching the Anatomy and ABC's. She will be covering some fascinating material related to neuromuscular patterning.

My 6:30 class will be taught by Jill Satterfield.

I look forward to seeing you in two weeks, when we will review the spinal structures and the discs. We will also revisit MahaMudra, axial extension and the bandhas.

Have a great couple of weeks...


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