Monday, February 04, 2008

Special Guest presenter for Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2008

I'd like to introduce a special guest presenter who will be joining us on Wednesday at 2:00 and 4:15. His name is Dr. Richard Williams. He's been doing some very interesting work related to breathing and health. Below, I'm attaching his photo, and an excerpt from an introductory message he sent me.

From time to time during the course, I like to bring in experts like Dr. Williams who can add perspective and knowledge to our studies.
I very much look forward to his presentation.

Hi Leslie,

Most of our physical programs are techniques I have personally developed over 30 years of teaching patients and family to do home care. I was in Thailand for 20 years where the infrastructure at the periphery is minimal and PT does not exist. It is a home-based self, and family administered program. This is not taught in any discipline of which I am aware although some aspects are similar to healing touch and energy work. We have been able to document the profound effects of muscle spasm (activation of normal secondary guarding and communicating components in muscle bundles) on brain, spinal cord, autonomic nervous system, and every organ. I hope to share these techniques and insights and have them expanded on from the vast experience of hands-on practitioners.

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